NEW! Employer Lunch and Learn: Your Team has Gone Virtual, Now What!? With Mary Alton, Program Manager, Erica Ellenchuk, Education and Training Coordinator, and Anne-Marie Edgar, CEO
Lunch and Learn
NEW! Employer Lunch and Learn: Diversity and Inclusion Awareness, with Marsha Field, Community Engagement Specialist, and JA ("Judy") Jonusas, Employment Specialist
GUEST SPEAKER! 3 Keys to Building a Business that Honours and Accommodates Your Health, with Trish Robichaud, Work Life Inclusion Coach at Changing Paces
Guest Speaker
INFO FORUM! Find Your Fit: Self-employment vs. Employment, with Anne-Marie Edgar, CEO, Louise Doyle, Business Advisor, and Tara Thom Burnett, Employment Facilitator
Information Session
NEW! Showcase Your Value: Virtual Interviewing Practice with Breakout Rooms, with Make A Change Canada Career Specialists
Connection and Community Series