Before long job seekers will need to prepare for jobs in the new economy. Now in our 18th year, Make A Change Canada is helping individuals to get there. As the pioneer in providing online and remote digital skills training and job search resources to individuals throughout Canada, we have assisted over 4,000 individuals facing barriers to employment, including youth, people who self-identify as living with a disability, Indigenous persons, newcomers, single and stay-at-home parents, and more. We are also a hub for employers looking to build inclusive teams, through our valuable training and support in inclusive employment practices. As a national charitable and accredited organization, our goal is to help more individuals find the support they need to find or maintain meaningful employment, or advance in their careers. Whether you are a potential new client, a community partner, a business leader, or are just curious about who we are, everyone is welcome to attend this session! Sign up to reserve your seat today!