WOW - Webinars On Work: AI Apps and Industry Transformations—Exploring New Opportunities for Canadians in the Job Market
Presented by JA Jonusas, Information Technology Instructor, Make A Change Canada
Tuesday, August 29, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. Pacific (2:00 p.m. Eastern)
Exponential growth in Artificial Intelligence (AI) over the last 30 years has transformed industries, job roles, and occupations as we never could have imagined. In this session JA will explore the history of AI (Spoiler: It’s not as new as you may think!), advancements in AI, and the impact of AI due to the vast amount of data it produces and machine learning algorithms. JA will outline how AI has become a critical technology across most sectors of the economy and how AI has driven innovation, efficiency, and new opportunities for workers. Join this session to learn how AI has reshaped our interaction with technology and to discover new opportunities for career growth. This is one webinar you don’t want to miss! Sign up today!