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NEW! Employer Lunch and Learn: “Geeks Bearing Gifts” with Doug Tardif, Advisor at Large

NEW! Employer Lunch and Learn: “Geeks Bearing Gifts”
With Doug Tardif, Advisor at Large
Thursday, September 8 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific (2:00 p.m. Eastern)
Technology has gradually intruded into all aspects of our lives. Beginning with the introduction of accounting computers in the ‘50s, through to the proliferation of social media and cell phones today, our personal and business commitments have melded together in ways that are not always healthy. Remaining productive in the workplace becomes more of a challenge as employees’ time is consumed by social media apps and other addictive digital media platforms. Can we learn to become more focused and productive at work? Is multitasking really effective? The answer is yes! Join Doug in this session as he explores the history of technology and offers tips on how to bring balance back into your life. Sign up today, and get ready to reclaim your time to relax, reflect, and critically solve problems.

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