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Proin mattis posuere malesuada. Proin lobortis, libero a commodo adipiscing, ante augue facilisis purus, vitae malesuada nisi odio eget nisl. Pellentesque pellentesque, risus nec sollicitudin laoreet, justo nibh lobortis erat, a euismod ante sapien ac odio. Duis egestas vestibulum ultrices. Morbi dignissim, tortor at imperdiet interdum, erat felis ornare orci, elementum vulputate augue ligula vel arcu. Integer quis rutrum metus? Suspendisse gravida consequat velit, sit amet placerat nibh rhoncus eget. Vestibulum in urna quis diam luctus egestas. Aenean in neque at orci convallis cursus.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus placerat diam dignissim mi cursus et malesuada mauris scelerisque. Sed vitae adipiscing mi. Vestibulum purus urna, facilisis a rutrum eu, imperdiet a ante? Duis non magna lorem, ac rutrum tellus. Praesent id ultrices elit. Phasellus mollis est et lorem gravida sit amet viverra elit fermentum. Vestibulum vitae enim elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse suscipit pellentesque nisi, id vestibulum lectus eleifend eu.

NEW! Goal Setting for 2016: Everybody Needs This! 
with Coach Doug Tardif
Tuesday, January 19 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific (2:00 p.m. Eastern)

Set a goal, and every aspect of your life is impacted. Join Doug in this session and learn how to set realistic goals, establish milestones, and celebrate your achievements. Think of this session as your roadmap to success!

Have you heard of Make A Change Canada but want to learn more? Join us in this special event, as our team members give you an interactive look at our programs and organization. We invite new program applicants, career practitioners, and others to join us in this session. There will be plenty of time for success stories and your questions. Business Abilities and IBDE participants--please attend and share your experience. See you there!

Join Chantal in this workshop to discuss the major considerations of operating a home-based business. We will examine the various options for locating your business, special considerations in operating a home-based business, the physical layout of the home office, and special advertising and promotional opportunities. There will be ample time to ask questions. This session relates to Module 5 of the BA program. BA participants and anyone interested in entrepreneurship is welcome to attend.

Fusion Marketing is a way of working collaboratively with other businesses for mutual profitability. This session will give you a solid understanding of the theory and practice behind fusion marketing and hands-on instruction on how to find your best fusion. You will start thinking about how to work with others and set up a strategy you can implement without further assistance. Attendees will develop an individualized prospect list, and clear action plan to implement immediately!

This workshop will explain how you should structure your company. The worksheets will help you assess whether you require a limited company or sole proprietorship. We will also discuss government regulations, insurance requirements, and the process of selecting a business name. This session relates to Module 4 of the BA website. BA participants and anyone interested in entrepreneurship is welcome to attend.

Without fully realizing it, the number of balls we juggle in our daily life and work activities can lead us to feel depleted and at times stressed or burnt out. Join Jeanie in identifying how our core beliefs can influence our daily choices and decisions, and explore strategies for maximizing health and resilience in your life.

In this workshop we will discuss planning your business workplace, an assessment of your skills, and your reasons for starting the business. We will also cover the topic of your BA Individual Service Plan. We will delve into market research, so that you gain an understanding of the best method to follow. There will be ample time to ask questions. This session relates to Modules 1 and 2 of the BA website. BA participants and anyone interested in entrepreneurship is welcome to attend.

In this series of sessions our business coaches will discuss the business cases of actual Business Abilities (BA) entrepreneurs who got off to a successful start through BA. Coaches will address the five essential W’s—Who, What, When, Where, and Why—and then open it up for your questions. What better way to see the possibilities for yourself as a BA entrepreneur, or discover best business practices to apply to your own budding business venture. See you there!

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